Saturday, January 2, 2010


Our friend Jillian was in the play Peter Pan at the Fresno Children's Theater Works. So we went to go support her and watch the play. She did a really good job. She was Wendy. Watching plays is more fun when you know whose in the play. This play suprised us because our friend Stephen was in it too. We didn't know until we were looking through the program before the play started. We got to say hey to him after the show though.

Our friends/cousins CJ, Elizabeth & Trisitea were in a play called "The Camel Lot" with their 4-h group. It was funny, they all did a good job. After the play we rode with them in a tour bus to the post-play cast party. We grabbed some snacks at the party. Then we drove out to their house to see their new puppies. I love puppies. We usually get to see them a few times a year between different people we know who breed dogs. Anyway we got to play with them while they were little & before they went off to there new homes.
