Thursday, January 21, 2010


This month we went to Chitudo three times...instead of just once like we've been doing since we moved here.  That is because we went to a special Black Belt Test night, we went to dinner at Alfonso's afterward, yeah I know. The black belts all had a push-up contest, my Dad and I tied. Go ahead bask in the glow of my awesomeness. We also went to a huge belt promotion/test night. We had dinner at a celebration they had afterward. My brother and Dad broke through bricks with their hands. You can check them  out on Facebook and You Tube. Next time hopefully I will.
Since we moved to Fresno and can't go to class every week it's cool that we live with one of the instructors. Dad teaches us at home so we can stay current with our strength and skill. We also have been doing the Billy Banks Ultimate Boot Camp DVD workout video, which is pretty intense. Dad is ordering us a program for our P.E. called insanity. I think its like 10 DVD workouts. It's supposed to be ummm well insane!

Ricky V.