Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas melee

We have an extremely busy Christmas season, as do many people we know. This year we celebrated Christmas with several different groups of people. including BEST, CHEFA, Riverpark. & my family! It gets a little hectic.... o.k it gets very hectic!
The BEST Christmas party consisted of walking candy cane lane & doing a gift exchange. The CHEFA party was the classic Laser Quest thing. With Riverpark we played boardgames & gave money to a fund for less fortunate families. With my Moms parents we opened stockings & showed our grandpa how to use blogger. With my Dads parents we had a traditional Christmas day, but we had some Armenian delicacy's with our normal dinner! We had another dinner with Uncle Ron. The rest of his part of the family was out of the country. Most everything changed this year, so it was nice that Dad's parents didin't so much.

  Oh and the sugar, yeah we had it, still have it.  We had our cousins Bryanna, Andrew, Nicole and Sarah over to build and decorate Gingerbread Houses. We also baked and decorated sugar cookies. Don't even begin to think this was the only sweets around, yep Mom baked tons of stuff. When I came home from drivers ed one day the whole house smelled awesome. I love holiday baking days!
Yeah it's crazy but it's clearly worth it.
Billy :D