Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Where It Be At

Choir update:  so choir is going good the songs are cool. But, you have to come to the concerts to find out what they are. I ain't sayin nothin'!!!

Music Update: Finished a Piano workbook & A Guitar workbook...onward & upward I march!

On being a gentlemen or cultured or something like that:  So my family went to see King Leer at the Woodward park Shakespeare Festival. It was about not being selfish. It was funny and was better than I thought it would be. Mom says this doesn't count for Shakespeare, I still have to study him in High School.

Outdoors: OK so I went camping with my friends in Monterrey. The first day we went swimming, boogie boarding, wake boarding & set up camp.  We had a good time at the beach but I pulled a muscle in my calf. Yeah that sucked but whatever. I still walked and played but it hurt a lot the next day.  Mr.Hays left a day earlier then everyone else because he is a pastor. He drove me home with him because I had a party to go to the next day....and the next day after that.

The Parties:  OK because my 2 cousins are never BOTH in the USA at the same time...and they were...this meant partytime.  It was so cool to see them again.  Owen "planned" the party and he had just got back from Germany...I mean that day.  Like I aid Eva was also back from Japan for a while. She had to straighten out some paper work. The second party was for Mr.Wynn.  It was a surprise party, which are always fun!!  It was nice to see all of my montain friends again. I am NOT city.
