Monday, October 4, 2010

Shugert stuff

OK so I decided to read all of the Beverly Cleary books we have, which is a lot. Now I am waiting to see the new movie with my cousins (I hope it is good).

So the Shugerts (the above mentioned cousins) come over to our house every week. We are helping them to Homeschool. Billy & I are trading off weeks teaching them P.E. Mom makes us write out a lesson plan each week. I am teaching Elizabeth to play the piano. Billy is teaching Trisitea to play the drums. Mom is doing here thing as well.

We also have a lot of fun, not just schooling. Something is always happening at our house anyway. But when the Shugerts come, because their family likes to be dorks too, we end up having more fun. We have had a huge Nerf war,  played boardgames, played the wii, laser tag, watched a movies, ordered pizzas, had relay races, puppet shows, comedy acts and on and on and on.

One Thursday I showed Trisitea & Elizabeth how to make Strawberry ice cream. We made a batch for their house & one for our house. Billy & I didn't really have patience that day, so we took our ice cream out before it was done. We had some AWESOME strawberry milkshakes.Mom doesn't always let us have sweets. As a matter of fact the Shugert kids say we are too healthy every week when they come visit us because Mom makes them eat fruit with their lunch.

Some days CJ gets to come too. We like that.