Monday, February 22, 2010


This weekend I went on a boyscout camp out called Klondike. I had a fun time gathering all the new backpacking stuff and figuring out how to pack it all into the army back pack I borrowed from Papa. It turns out I didn't really need all that stuff and it really weighed down my back pack. It was my first time going and I was told if I didn't have all that stuff I couldn't go.
We were hiking down hill in the snow, in the dark, with a heavy backpack and also pulling a sled with all the troop equipment. We hiked 2 miles, which is not much, but it feels like 1000 considering...
We played games along with other scout troops at Chawanakee. Then we packed up camp and hiked up hill back out to the parking lot. It's no easy task but I'm already looking forward to going next year!
