Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fun in Fresno

This week started out busy. The rest of the week is all about work work work! Monday Our homeschool group went to Color me Mine. There were so many people who signed up that we had to be split into two classes. Since I'm on the yearbook committee I had to be there for both classes. I had to take pictures of the first class. Then I painted a bowl in the second class. After that we went to Rubio's for lunch with our friends the Orazem's. We were glad to be going there because we have been hearing about how good the food is. Their Dad wanted to meet us at the restaurant and also to go see the movie. Yep, We went to Edwards next. We watched "where the wild things are" it was more depressing then I remember the book being, o well we got lots of popcorn and soda. After we refilled our popcorn and soda, you get a free refill, we went to hang just outside of the bookstore to visit with the Orazems some more. Mom say's I was on a soda high. Then I went to Boys Scouts and Billy went to Bembe. Tuesday I went to Choir and then we went to lunch at our favorite stand by Robertitos. I had an eye exam and got some new glasses ordered. See I'm special, so I need super special lenses. You know you are jealous of my awesomeness. We also had some houses we needed to check out. Before heading home we tried out this Chicago style pizza parlor that we have been wanting to try out for a LOOONG time. Man we never get to eat out this much. Yeah. Like I said now the rest of the week is work work work! Oh well it was fun while it lasted.
