Sunday, August 16, 2009


O.k so last night my family went to the north fork digefest. Now you're probably scratching you're head and saying what is a digefest? A digefest is short for a didgeridoo festival! So now you're thinking why in the world would you want to go to something as boring as that! This digefest opened my eyes to how cool a dige is! I had previously though that a dige only made one sound ( a deep and strange bellow). I was sadly mistaken.... these instruments are amazing!!!! They are so fun to play and you can make hundreds of different sounds! I saw many amazing players throughout the night. I was even taught by several players who were both very good and very friendly! So I now know and can do the basics of playin the dige! While I was learning to play a dige Ricky was busy swinging of a rock into the pond that was behind the festival!!!So the entire family had fun at this amazing festival!
Billy :D