Friday, April 23, 2010

San Joaquin River Gorge

I recently went to the San Joaquin River Gorge with my boyscout troop. It was fun to camp out there. It ended up being more of a drill though. We set up camp in the rain and the dark. We build a rain blocker to protect our food. This is a tarp with ropes thrown through trees. You have a tall stake at one end and a short stack at the other end, so that the rain would roll down and off of the short end of the set up. Unfortunately we learned all about scotch guarding our tents because even though we were under a tent with a rain cover on the CRAZY WILD RAIN seeped into our tent soaking us all. I was at the top of the hill, which meant the rain hit me first and then rolled down to the others. Eventually the Scout Masters called the whole thing off, because the rain got even heavier. I was bummed because my family has been trying to go here for a long time. My Mom said as I left to scope out some fun places for the family to explore while I was there. I also never got to see the gorge is the light. O well, I still get credit for a campout and drill to check of my list.