Friday, August 13, 2010

Dakota House

   This summer I volunteered at the Dakota House. This is a safe house run by a lady in Bembe named Jaime Barker. Dakota House is an inner city mission. It is an outreach to less than fortunate children. These kids come twice a week to play games, and have fun, but the main focus is to teach them about Jesus. They get taught about what he did, and why they should care. Also at the end of every meeting they have a prayer time. Where they go around a circle, and everyone who is comfortable doing so prays.
   In addition to the normal meetings they had several extra activities they did. Which the kids who got in trouble the least were picked to go on. Such as going to wild water, & a movie day at at one of Jaime's friends house. They also had a camping trip in August.
Billy :D