Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bookcases & chicken pot pie

The last week my brother and I were busy washing, puttying, sanding and painting three bookcases. We took some funky furniture pieces and made them into shiny new furniture, if I do say so myself, and I do. Of course we did have the help of our Mom & Dad, but mainly they just gave us advice because they wanted us to do this ourselves. So I say much thanks to them for it.

Also last week, I made a huge chicken pot pie. My top pie crust came out mutated but it was really good,. I also made a double portion of the inside stuff because we like it so much. It was basically like a thick soup. We didn't have any leftovers from the pie or the extra inside stuff.  My brother and I poured tones of the soupy stuff right over the top of our piece of the chicken pot pie. I will definitely make that again.
